How to design infographics that go viral

How to design infographics that go viral

Alright, data enthusiasts and visual virtuosos, buckle up! We’re about to dive headfirst into the wild world of viral infographics. We’re talking about designs so catchy, they spread faster than gossip at a high school reunion.

But first, let me spin you a yarn from the infographic trenches. Picture this: It’s 2015, and I’m tasked with creating an infographic about… wait for it… the history of the garden gnome. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why people need to know about the genealogy of pointy-hatted lawn ornaments, but here we are.) I spent days crafting what I thought was the Mona Lisa of gnome infographics. It had everything – timelines, fun facts, even a little gnome family tree.

The result? It went about as viral as a pet rock with a head cold.

Turns out, not everyone shares my passion for vertically challenged ceramic gardeners. Who knew?

So, how do you create infographics that don’t just sit there like a garden gnome, but actually take off and conquer the internet? Well, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into the art and science of crafting infographics that go viral faster than you can say “share this post!”

  1. Start with a Bang: Your Topic is Your Rocket Fuel

First things first, let’s talk about choosing a topic. Your infographic topic is like the fuel in a rocket – choose the right one, and you’ll shoot for the stars. Choose the wrong one, and well… you might end up with a garden gnome history lesson that nobody asked for.

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7 Design Features That Will Help You Retain Visitors To Your Website

Whether you are planning to have a new website built for your new home building company or wish to make improvements to your existing website, one of the main goals that any new design should have is to ensure that those who visit your website, remain on it for as long as possible. The website design experts at know for sure that the longer you can retain visitors the more chance there is of them taking action.

That action could be anything from filling in a contact form, calling your sales team, or requesting more information by entering their email address. Whichever calls to action you have throughout your website, they will only ever be answered if the person seeing them has spent enough time on the website to build enough trust in the company which is requesting them.

Within the design on any website, there are lots of opportunities to facilitate visitors staying for longer, and it is these design features that we are going to focus on here. In all, we have 7, that, if included in the design or redesign of your new home building company’s website, will ensure that conversions increase, and as an added and important bonus, they can also help to boost your website’s rankings on Google.

#1 – Fast Page Load Speeds: Slow-loading website pages not only have no chance of prolonging any visitor’s time on your website, but they will also end it almost immediately. Test all your pages for load speeds and arrange for the necessary changes to their design to be made if they are loading slowly.

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Tips For Designing A Friendly eCommerce Checkout Page

Tips For Designing A Friendly eCommerce Checkout Page

It’s kind of strange to realize it, but online shopping still doesn’t seem to feel as accessible as real-world shopping, especially when a friendly ecommerce checkout page is conspicuously lacking or inadequate. There’s the obvious barriers that are unavoidable: customers can’t touch, run, or try on a product virtually; slinging your personal details about online always carries a small risk, and so on.

The thing you have to remember about your target market is that they want to feel comfortable with the experience. You should have everything be visible and easy to manage. Don’t throw a bunch of confusing popups in the customer’s face or make them wonder how to go through the steps correctly.

1. Show what currency you take up front. Whatever credit cards, PayPal, or Bitcoins you accept, have all the little icons there together so the customer knows ahead of time that their money’s good here.

2. Make your instructions clear. And being “clear” doesn’t always mean going along with whatever the interface gurus dictate as the fashion this week. Simple steps, simple instructions, and tooltips along with each field the customer has to enter. Keep things minimal – trying to sell more things to the user while they’re trying to buy something already is just obnoxious. In terms of simplicity, a friendly ecommerce checkout page should look as close to the Google search home page as practical.

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Improving The User Experience Of Your Website Visitors

Improving The User Experience Of Your Website Visitors

User experience when it comes to websites revolves around how a visitor to a website behaves and interacts with the functionality of the website, according to a natural flow and their natural instincts. If a website visitor has to take more than a few seconds to figure out how to complete an action, or how to navigate to where they wish within the site, there’s a high chance that they may give up altogether and leave the site. This results in a bounce rate (or short visit) that can become alarming to search engines and this is believed to be one of the many factors taken into consideration when a website is ranked in the organic search results.

So how can you improve the entire user experience of your website? If you are building a new website or redeveloping your old one to be more modern and functional, user experience research and testing should be a prime focus in the planning stages, throughout the website build and before the big launch. Below are some of the most important points concerning the critical aspects of creating and improving a good website user experience.

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