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How to design infographics that go viral

How to design infographics that go viral

Alright, data enthusiasts and visual virtuosos, buckle up! We’re about to dive headfirst into the wild world of viral infographics. We’re talking about designs so catchy, they spread faster than gossip at a high school reunion.

But first, let me spin you a yarn from the infographic trenches. Picture this: It’s 2015, and I’m tasked with creating an infographic about… wait for it… the history of the garden gnome. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why people need to know about the genealogy of pointy-hatted lawn ornaments, but here we are.) I spent days crafting what I thought was the Mona Lisa of gnome infographics. It had everything – timelines, fun facts, even a little gnome family tree.

The result? It went about as viral as a pet rock with a head cold.

Turns out, not everyone shares my passion for vertically challenged ceramic gardeners. Who knew?

So, how do you create infographics that don’t just sit there like a garden gnome, but actually take off and conquer the internet? Well, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into the art and science of crafting infographics that go viral faster than you can say “share this post!”

  1. Start with a Bang: Your Topic is Your Rocket Fuel

First things first, let’s talk about choosing a topic. Your infographic topic is like the fuel in a rocket – choose the right one, and you’ll shoot for the stars. Choose the wrong one, and well… you might end up with a garden gnome history lesson that nobody asked for.

The Role of Social Media in the Funeral Industry

The Role of Social Media in the Funeral Industry

We live in an era when social media touches almost every aspect of our lives. Social platforms have become an integral part of our daily routines, from sharing happy moments with friends and family to getting news and information to interacting with our favorite brands.

This trend has also extended to the funeral industry. While dealing with loss is never easy, funeral directors leverage social media to better connect with families, share valuable content, and cultivate a positive public image during difficult times.

Let’s explore some of the key ways funeral homes are utilizing social:

Building Connections & Community

Perhaps the most valuable use of social media for funeral directors is building connections within their local community. Creating a Facebook page or Instagram account allows funeral homes to share updates, special events, and educational content personally and engagingly.

One funeral home doing this particularly well is Bradshaw Carter Memorial & Funeral Services in Houston. Their Facebook page has amassed over 1,700 followers by consistently posting uplifting content like inspirational quotes, community event details, and heartfelt stories/testimonials.

According to a 2022 survey by EdenTree, over 70% of people said being able to publicly share memories after a loved one’s passing helped them through the grieving process.

By nurturing an active social community, funeral directors can support families both before service and in the months/years after.

5 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Recycling Business Needs A New SEO Agency

5 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Recycling Business Needs A New SEO Agency

If you have already employed an SEO agency to help advance your recycling business, then it is possible that you are several steps ahead of many of your competitors. We say ‘possible’ because, according to the SEO professionals, many clients come to them having previously had a poor experience with another SEO agency.

Obviously, each of those bad experiences will be somewhat unique, but the tales of woe point out several issues that seem to occur more often than others. Many of them might be considered red flags that should alert any recycling business owner that the service they are receiving from their SEO agency is not one that is unlikely to produce many positive outcomes, especially improved rankings.

If you already use an SEO agency, and you feel you are not well served, or the results being generated are not what you were hoping for, then it might be time to look for another SEO agency, and confirmation of this will be if any the following 5 warning signs exist.

The Role of Sustainable Practices in Marketing Landscape Design Services

The Role of Sustainable Practices in Marketing Landscape Design Services

Going Green to Attract More Green: How Sustainable Landscaping Boosts Your Biz

Yo, let’s be real – the whole “eco-friendly” and “sustainable” terminology gets thrown around more than a sweaty athlete’s jockstrap these days. Brandslatch onto environmental buzzwords to pander to conscious consumers and come across as socially responsible.

But for us landscape designers, embracing truly sustainable practices isn’t just a marketing ploy. It’s a way of life! An ethos that harmonizes nature, practicality, and mind-blowing design. And you better believe it can be one helluva competitive advantage for attracting more green…as in cold hard cash money!

Tap Into the Eco-Conscious Gold Mine
Here are the facts: Environmental concerns aren’t just for Greenpeace-hugging hippies anymore. With climate change backlash intensifying and consumers becoming hyper-aware of their carbon footprints, eco-consciousness is going insanely mainstream.

A study by Houzz estimates that a whopping 83% of homeowners now rank environmental sustainability as an important consideration for home projects. Let that stat marinate for a second…

We’re talking about a massive, insatiable market of environmentally-minded clients who are actively seeking out professionals aligned with their values. An experienced landscape designer who can plan and execute eco-friendly outdoor spaces is pure marketing catnip!

5 Steps To Resolving Problems Creatively Within Your Landscaping Business

No matter how long landscapers have been in business, whether just starting or having been around for more than a decade, they will know that running a landscaping business is not all sunshine and roses. If you will pardon the gardening pun. This means that a landscaping business, or any business, no matter what niche it is in or what size it is, will invariably encounter problems.

You will often find that the businesses that have overcome the most significant number of problems have proved to be the most persistent and secure. Not that we are suggesting you set about creating problems to solve, but there is a valuable lesson to be learned here. That lesson is that being able to solve problems gives a business owner a huge advantage over others who cannot.

Taking that stage further and making solving problems easier is the ability to use creativity. By that, we mean the so-called thinking outside of the box to answer problems that no one else would have thought of. At first, these often seem bizarre and unlikely to work, but they soon become the default solution when put into practice. Here are five steps to help you creatively solve problems.

7 Eye-Opening Statistics That Should Directly Influence Your Next Website Design

7 Eye-Opening Statistics That Should Directly Influence Your Next Website Design

When people consider web design and in particular what makes a web design successful, they will reflect on several elements. These will include what is visually appealing, the quality of the content, the layout, and the ease of navigation, for example. These are all perfectly valid considerations, but there is another aspect to web design that is often ignored by those who aren’t Perth web designers, and that is all the data behind it.

What we mean is that many web designs are started and completed without any reference whatsoever to data or statistics that could shed some light on what types of web design would be the most effective. Given that the internet is awash with data and statistics that are used to make key decisions daily, it makes sense that web design should follow suit. To give you a sense of what data might be useful, here are 7 eye-opening statistics relating to websites and web design.

#1: Web Design Services Growth In The Past 5 Years Is 2% Per Annum (Source: IBIS World)

This highlights the fact that more businesses are seeing the advantages of using professional web design agencies to create their websites rather than trying to build websites for themselves or using amateurs.

#2: When A Visitor Lands On A Website They Will Have An Opinion Of It Within 50 Milliseconds (Source: Taylor and Francis Online)

If ever there was a statistic that makes it abundantly clear how important the first impression your web design gives anyone landing on it, it is this one. Great visuals, easy navigation, and no annoying pop-ups will all help.


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How to design infographics that go viral

How to design infographics that go viral

Alright, data enthusiasts and visual virtuosos, buckle up! We’re about to dive headfirst into the wild world of viral infographics. We’re talking about designs so catchy, they spread faster than gossip at a high school reunion.

But first, let me spin you a yarn from the infographic trenches. Picture this: It’s 2015, and I’m tasked with creating an infographic about… wait for it… the history of the garden gnome. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why people need to know about the genealogy of pointy-hatted lawn ornaments, but here we are.) I spent days crafting what I thought was the Mona Lisa of gnome infographics. It had everything – timelines, fun facts, even a little gnome family tree.

The result? It went about as viral as a pet rock with a head cold.

Turns out, not everyone shares my passion for vertically challenged ceramic gardeners. Who knew?

So, how do you create infographics that don’t just sit there like a garden gnome, but actually take off and conquer the internet? Well, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into the art and science of crafting infographics that go viral faster than you can say “share this post!”

  1. Start with a Bang: Your Topic is Your Rocket Fuel

First things first, let’s talk about choosing a topic. Your infographic topic is like the fuel in a rocket – choose the right one, and you’ll shoot for the stars. Choose the wrong one, and well… you might end up with a garden gnome history lesson that nobody asked for.


Tips For Designing A Friendly eCommerce Checkout Page

Tips For Designing A Friendly eCommerce Checkout Page

It’s kind of strange to realize it, but online shopping still doesn’t seem to feel as accessible as real-world shopping, especially when a friendly ecommerce checkout page is conspicuously lacking or inadequate. There’s the obvious barriers that are unavoidable: customers can’t touch, run, or try on a product virtually; slinging your personal details about online always carries a small risk, and so on.

The thing you have to remember about your target market is that they want to feel comfortable with the experience. You should have everything be visible and easy to manage. Don’t throw a bunch of confusing popups in the customer’s face or make them wonder how to go through the steps correctly.

1. Show what currency you take up front. Whatever credit cards, PayPal, or Bitcoins you accept, have all the little icons there together so the customer knows ahead of time that their money’s good here.

2. Make your instructions clear. And being “clear” doesn’t always mean going along with whatever the interface gurus dictate as the fashion this week. Simple steps, simple instructions, and tooltips along with each field the customer has to enter. Keep things minimal – trying to sell more things to the user while they’re trying to buy something already is just obnoxious. In terms of simplicity, a friendly ecommerce checkout page should look as close to the Google search home page as practical.


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Top 5 All-In-One Marketing Platforms

Top 5 All-In-One Marketing Platforms

When businesses are looking for software and tools to help automate and enhance their marketing and sales, they could be forgiven for being overwhelmed. The choice is enormous, and being able to pinpoint which ones are the right ones for what you want to achieve can seem a daunting task.

The good news is that there are software solutions that take several marketing automation features and instead of you having to purchase individual software for each one, instead bring them all within one platform. These all-in-one marketing tools make managing your marketing more efficient and more effective as you see an overview of your core marketing activities all within one dashboard.

Whilst there is going to be many variations to which individual marketing tools they offer, those that are worth considering the most will have solutions that help with all of the following:


Top 5 All-In-One Marketing Platforms

Top 5 All-In-One Marketing Platforms

When businesses are looking for software and tools to help automate and enhance their marketing and sales, they could be forgiven for being overwhelmed. The choice is enormous, and being able to pinpoint which ones are the right ones for what you want to achieve can seem a daunting task.

The good news is that there are software solutions that take several marketing automation features and instead of you having to purchase individual software for each one, instead bring them all within one platform. These all-in-one marketing tools make managing your marketing more efficient and more effective as you see an overview of your core marketing activities all within one dashboard.

Whilst there is going to be many variations to which individual marketing tools they offer, those that are worth considering the most will have solutions that help with all of the following: